Math Department

Southwest RESA provides professional development to 15 school systems. The professional development reaches Curriculum Directors, Principals, Instructional Coaches, and classroom teachers. As a Math Department, we focus on the Georgia Mathematics Standards of Excellence. We align all our trainings to embed the Georgia Standards of Excellence in concepts, skills, and through problem solving. The Math Standards stress rigorous concept development and real-world applications while maintaining a strong emphasis on computational and procedural skills. Students are encouraged to reason mathematically, to evaluate mathematical arguments both formally and informally, and to use the correct mathematical language to communicate ideas and strategies that students use in solving a problem. At Southwest RESA, our goal is to make sure that all of our systems are trained and ready to implement all these skills needed to ensure that The Georgia Mathematics Standards of Excellence are taught at the level that is required of each grade K-12.

For more information about Math, please contact

Janna Beanblossom | Math Mentor |

Amy Casper | Math Mentor |