Let’s Read, Georgia
Let’s Read Georgia!
RESA Regional Literacy Coaches are here to train the coaches who train and support teachers who teach Georgia’s children to READ! Regional coaches will provide support for districts, schools, coaches, and/or teachers as we work together to fully implement Georgia’s Early Literacy Act (HB 538).
“Students who can read, have a seat at the table of opportunity.” - The Reading League
Literacy Essentials
Provide teacher training and support on the science of reading, structured literacy, foundational literacy skills, and evidence based decision making
Demonstrate and model lessons
Give immediate feedback for improving instruction
Coaching Essentials
Awareness, understanding, and application of Killion’s 10 Roles of Coaching
Awareness and practice of the Knowledge, Beliefs, and Skills of Coaching
Understanding of the Adult Learner
A toolkit for Literacy Coaching Essentials
SW RESA Regional Coaches:
Mrs. Karen Moncrief (kmoncrief@swresa.org)
Mrs. Nikki Meredith (nmeredith@swresa.org)
Mrs. Nikki Meredith (nmeredith@swresa.org)
Mrs. Karen Moncrief (kmoncrief@swresa.org)
Please, watch the video below to learn more.