Southwest RESA provides professional learning to all member system teachers of English Language Arts, Instructional Coaches, and Leaders at all grade levels, K-12. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:

Improving student achievement with the focus on a Standards-Based Literacy Classroom:

  • Identifying/implementing new instructional strategies

  • Identifying appropriate tasks for differentiation/acceleration

  • Aligning curriculum and progressions of the Georgia Standards of Excellence

  • Aligning local objectives with state initiatives and student achievement goals

  • Supporting schedules for a ELA block

  • Using data to inform literacy instruction

  • Supporting best practices in a ELA classroom

Providing support for GADOE, GOSA and local literacy initiatives:

  • Growing Readers

  • L4GA

  • Foundational literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, emergent literacy, engagement)

  • Early literacy (fluency, vocabulary, comprehension)

  • Reading beyond the elementary classroom (middle school & secondary)


Suggested Professional Websites for Teachers:

Join the ELA mailing list to receive updates from the English Language Arts program; ​please send an email with no message to the appropriate email address listed here:

For more information about ELA, please contact

Lisa Gilligan | ELA Consultant | lgilligan@swresa.org 

Gwen Lee | ELA Consultant | glee@swresa.org

Nancy Slocumb | ELA Consultant | nslocumb@swresa.org

Cheryl Clark | ELA Assistant | cclark@swresa.org